We all want to look great in our swimwear on holiday, and taking a few snaps in our bikinis is now common place (because come on, who doesn't love a bit of Instagram and Snapchat?!).
But the thought of swimwear photos can be a bit nerve-wracking for some. To help you feel super confident in your bikinis and swimsuits this season, here are a few of our favourite poses guaranteed to make you look great in every snap...
Hands On Hips
Putting your hands on your hips accentuates your waist and gives you a gorgeous silhouette.
One Leg Popped
If you want to elongate your legs and flatter those hips, putting one leg in front of the other is the perfect pose for you.
From Above
Photos in general are more flattering from above, and it's the ideal angle to show off your whole look.
With A Prop
Want that 'hey, look at me being all cute and beachy with my coconut/float/book/cocktail' (delete as appropriate) look? Grab a prop and pose it up!
On A Float
Floats are the hot Summer accessory right now and they are the perfect place to get your pose on.
Leaning Against A Wall or Tree
Leaning against something is ideal to give off that nonchalant cool beach vibe, whilst also allowing you to pop that leg or booty for elongation and accentuation.
Hands In The Air Like You Just Don't Care
And finally, why not just wave your hands in the air, splash through the sea, and generally act like you're having the best time of your life. Because odds on, you probably are whilst on holiday, and happiness is the most flattering pose and vibe you can possibly give off.
Did you enjoy this article? Then feel free to check out Bikini & Beach Themed Instagrammers We Love.
What's your best advice to feel body confident in your beach snaps?