Its clear our lifestyle is having a disruptive impact on the environment, and our beauty products are one of the worst pollutants. Refillable beauty products are new on the scene aiming to help reduce the environmental impact of our plastic usage. Obviously helping the planet is something we all want to do, but don't always know how.
Can this idea work?
More and more of us are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious. With greater awareness, we’re more inclined to make changes to our lifestyle that help to clean up the planet. And it isn’t just individuals that are taking action. Brands and entire industries, such the beauty industry, are also coming under pressure to do more to protect our planet.
The beauty industry is still consistently producing cosmetics that are harmful to the environment such as face wipes, micro bead face scrubs and plastic packaging. With plastic polluting the oceans, waste stuck in landfills and disruptive ingredients impacting our rainforests; there’s good reason to take action. If we don’t start now, in 40 years-time the consequence of our relentless consumption of plastic-filled beauty products will have a detrimental effect on our oceans and its natural wildlife. The ratio of plastics to fish in the ocean, will go from 1:5 to 1:1, so isn’t it time for change?
With the aim to cut down our waste of bottles and jars that occupy our bathroom cupboards, some beauty brands have started to create refillable products. In some cases, brands are offering you the option to bring your finished beauty product to be refilled in store, or others have designed a clever carton system that easily fit into your original product packaging to use again.
What are the benefits of refillable beauty products?
Surprisingly only 14% of recyclable plastic can, in fact, be recycled, so using refillable beauty products is a great way to cut down on packaging and the amount of waste produced. And as refills cost less than the original product to produce, another useful benefit worth mentioning is that refillable products will also help to save you money.
What products can you buy?
One brand, looking to tackle the problem with plastic is Lush. Their recent makeup range is designed plastic-free, and next to no packaging. From concealer, foundation and even highlighter, taking a big step to help the environment (and still look amazing) can easily be done with this beauty range.
Online beauty retailer Cult Beauty, is also championing brands that offer refill products. This includes cream blushers and eyeshadows, that have a unique original packaging, which can easily be refilled. It’s great for the environment and will save you money in the long run!
Will it work?
In a social media dominated society, where individuals are obsessed with following and buying into the latest trend, will this be the next big break in the beauty industry? Will the cost-effective and eco-friendly incentive be powerful enough to outweigh our naivety and ego?
The industry has already started along this more environmentally conscious path, with vegan-friendly products, from makeup brushes to skin cleansers, it’s a clear approach that will resonate with these pro-active consumers.
Yet, as an industry so deeply attached to luxury, developing products that have an eco-friendly and cost-saving benefit could have its challenges. It will take a huge change in behaviour, from the consumer and the brand, to really wake up to implement the necessary changes. But if not now, then when?
Makeup isn’t the only product that is altering its production to protect the sorry state of the environment. The production of sun cream is also changing. For more information, you can read one of our latest blog posts on this rising issue here.